Dreka Martin

Have you ever heard of someone with a unique craving that defies explanation? Meet Dreka Martin, a 27-year-old mother from New Orleans, who has come forward with an astonishing confession – she can’t resist eating an entire bottle of Johnson’s Baby Powder every day. What’s even more surprising is that she has spent nearly $4,000 on her peculiar addiction this year alone.

Dreka’s journey into the world of baby powder began in her childhood when she would occasionally taste it after her baths. However, over a decade ago, her habit escalated, and now she devours a whole 623g bottle of Johnson’s Aloe & Vitamin E baby powder every single day. Strangely enough, she would choose it over regular food without a second thought. She enjoys the sensation of “melting” the powder in her mouth, chewing it for up to 40 seconds, and then gracefully swallowing it.

Although Dreka has invested a considerable amount of money in her daily habit, she insists that her health and digestion remain unaffected. However, it’s important to note that Johnson’s Baby Powder is intended for external use only, and they explicitly warn against ingestion.

One aspect of Dreka’s addiction that concerns her greatly is the fear that her 3-year-old son, Faiz Palmer, might imitate her behavior. Whenever she applies baby powder to her son after his bath, he often asks for some after seeing his mother indulge. Understandably, this worries her immensely.

Dreka attributes her unusual craving to a condition called pica, which is characterized by the irresistible urge to eat items that have little or no nutritional value. Pica can manifest in various forms, including the consumption of non-food items like stones, sand, dirt, and even talcum powder. It is commonly observed in individuals with learning disabilities and during pregnancy.

Despite her efforts to hide her addiction from friends and family, it becomes a challenging task when her mouth is full of baby powder. She faces judgment and concerns about her health from those close to her, which can deeply upset her.

Describing her addiction, Dreka says, “I love eating baby powder. It tastes exactly how it smells. It’s just something I do to cope. It makes me feel good and happy. It’s an addiction that I try to stop, but I just can’t. When I think about it, my mouth waters. It’s gotten to the point where I choose baby powder over real food. I would spend my last dollar on it because I need it so much.”

Dreka’s condition is believed to be associated with traumatic life events. Her addiction worsened in 2014 and again in January 2023 after the deaths of two loved ones. During her pregnancy, doctors had to administer six blood transfusions to address her cravings as they were thought to be linked to low iron levels. Although she has resumed eating baby powder since her son’s birth, she is now taking iron pills to control her cravings.

Despite the potential health risks and concerns for her son’s future, Dreka has no plans to give up her peculiar habit anytime soon. Her TikTok account, where she shares her addiction, has garnered both support and mockery. She hopes to raise awareness and let others struggling with similar issues know that they are not alone.

In conclusion, Dreka Martin’s extraordinary addiction to Johnson’s Baby Powder sheds light on pica, an eating disorder that compels individuals to consume non-food substances. By sharing her story, she reminds us of the importance of understanding and supporting individuals dealing with uncommon cravings and addictions, while also raising awareness about the potential dangers associated with such behaviors.