In a powerful tale that highlights the impact of social media, meet Mark Cropp, a young man from New Zealand. After serving a two-year, three-month sentence for an unsuccessful drug trade, Mark was faced with a daunting challenge – starting anew. But it was during his time behind bars that Mark’s life took an unexpected turn.

Under the influence of homemade booze made from fermented apples, bread, and sugar, Mark and his brother made a life-altering decision one fateful night in their jail cell. In a hazy state, they used melted plastic knives, forks, and toothpaste to tattoo Mark’s moniker on his face. The result was a sprawling, dark tattoo that read “Devast8” across his lower face and jaw, symbolizing the turmoil he had experienced.

Upon his release, Mark was eager to reintegrate into society and support his girlfriend and young daughter. However, the prominent face tattoo became an insurmountable obstacle, deterring potential employers and hindering his job prospects.

Reflecting on the purpose behind the tattoo, Mark shared, “There was a long time where everything I touched turned to devastation. People would be disappointed in something I had done or said – I was always hearing ‘that’s devastating.’ Once I started it, I couldn’t go back.” Mark had hoped to stop at the outline, but it progressed into a swollen and undeniable feature on his face.

Desperate for a solution, Mark sought methods to remove the tattoo, but the cost and lack of willing professionals posed significant barriers. Turning to social media, he shared a selfie on Facebook, bearing the unique tattoo, and made a heartfelt plea for work and a fresh start.

Mark’s sincere request gained traction on social media, catching the attention of Sacred Tattoo, a renowned tattoo parlor in Auckland. Moved by his story and inspired to make a difference, the compassionate professionals at Sacred Tattoo offered Mark complimentary laser removal sessions.

This act of generosity from Sacred Tattoo not only showcased the transformative power of social media but also emphasized the impact of compassion and second chances. Mark’s journey towards a fresh start had begun.

In an incredible turn of events, Mark also secured a job with PR Contracting, a scaffolding company, where he now earns $22 per hour. This opportunity not only provides him with financial stability but also a sense of purpose and hope for the future.