Imagine opening your curtains in the morning and finding a deer standing on its hind legs, peering through your window. That’s exactly what happened to Mette Kvam, an 81-year-old woman living in Norway. Three years ago, Mette and her family came to the aid of a deer that was being hunted in the nearby forest. Little did she know that this act of kindness would lead to a heartwarming friendship that has captured the attention of the entire village.

Mette named the deer Flippen, and he has been visiting her house almost every day since the rescue. The sight of a deer standing on its hind legs, patiently waiting for Mette to notice him, has become a familiar one in the village. Flippen has even become a local celebrity, known for his distinctive ear shape that helps hunters recognize and protect him.

The bond between Mette and Flippen is truly special. In the summer, Flippen ventures to the mountains and is rarely seen. But as winter arrives, he returns to the village, sometimes knocking on Mette’s window twice a day. It’s as if Flippen knows that he is always welcome in Mette’s home.

Flippen and Mette

Mette has become quite fond of her unique visitor. She often treats Flippen to cookies, which he gladly accepts. And although Flippen cannot speak the human language, there is an unspoken understanding between them. Mette believes that he can sense her kindness and gratitude for saving his life.

The story of Mette and Flippen is a testament to the power of compassion and the unexpected friendships that can blossom from acts of kindness. Even in our later years, we can find joy and companionship in the most unlikely of places – right outside our window.

Watch this heartwarming video to see the incredible bond between Mette and Flippen: