Once upon a time, in a bustling city, a well-dressed gentleman in his late 40s or early 50s walked into a brothel. His request was quite unexpected – he wanted to spend time with Penny, the most expensive lady in the establishment. The madam, taken aback by his choice, offered him other options, but the man was insistent. He had his heart set on seeing Penny.

Without any hesitation, the man paid a staggering $1,000 for an hour of Penny’s company. They ascended the stairs for their rendezvous, and after the hour was up, the man departed. To everyone’s surprise, the following night, he returned and demanded to see Penny once again. Penny hesitated, explaining that it was quite unusual for someone to return for a second visit so soon, especially considering the extravagant cost. However, the man didn’t seem to care about the expense and paid the same amount. Once more, they disappeared upstairs together.

To the astonishment of all, the man showed up for a third consecutive night. Penny couldn’t believe it, but she couldn’t resist taking his money and accompanying him upstairs. Curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn’t help but ask the man about his peculiar behavior. When she inquired about his origin, he replied with a surprising answer – “South Carolina.” Shocked, Penny revealed that she had family residing there.

With a mischievous smile, the man revealed a shocking truth. He claimed to be her sister’s attorney, tasked with delivering her long-lost inheritance – a substantial sum of $3,000. Penny was gobsmacked. She had no idea that her mysterious and enigmatic client had such a personal connection to her life.

This fascinating tale serves as a reminder of an important lesson. In life, there are three certainties we can count on: death, taxes, and the intricate webs that can entangle us when dealing with lawyers.