One morning, as I was leaving my house, I had an unexpected encounter with my neighbor’s daughter. You see, she was pregnant.

When I returned home later that day, I noticed her father closing the door. Curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn’t help but ask him about the situation. I said, “Your daughter hasn’t married yet, so I wonder how it is possible for a girl without a husband to be pregnant?”

His reaction was unexpected. He replied with a bitter smile, “She isn’t pregnant; it is all wind in her belly. She farts and will eventually recover.”

To my surprise, the following year, I saw the same girl carrying a baby in her arms. The next day, as I was going out and came face to face with her father, I couldn’t resist making a playful comment. I said to him, “I saw your daughter with her ‘fart’ in her arms.”

And that’s how the unexpected turned into a humorous moment between neighbors. Life has its surprises indeed!