Finding out that your spouse has cheated on you is devastating. It’s even more challenging when there’s a child involved from the affair. This is the story of one Reddit user who faced this difficult situation and sought advice on how to handle it.

After being married for nine years, the user and her husband discovered in 2021 that he was being sued for child support. It was a shocking revelation that stemmed from an affair that happened shortly after they got married. The affair almost destroyed their relationship, but they decided to give counseling a try and agreed on certain terms for the wife to stay in the marriage.

One of the conditions was that the husband would take on a second job to fulfill his child support obligations without affecting their household budget. Additionally, the wife made it clear that she had no intention of having any relationship with the child born from her husband’s affair. Despite this, the husband has been getting to know his child over the past few years.

Recently, however, the husband informed his wife about some “baby mama drama.” It turns out that his affair partner is going to self-surrender in May for an 8-month incarceration. The husband felt the need to take custody of the child during this difficult time to prevent them from going to live with their grandparents on the opposite coast.

But the wife had made up her mind long ago. She left the house and returned with an apartment guide for their area to demonstrate her stance on the situation. When her husband questioned if she was serious, she affirmed that her feelings had not changed from three years ago. She made it clear that she had no interest in caring for his child and offered an amicable divorce if he chose to take custody.

Her decision was firm, and she refused to be responsible for someone else’s child. It’s a tough situation that many people have to face when dealing with infidelity and unexpected children.

While some individuals struggle with the consequences of infidelity, it’s surprising to know that there are exceptions. Another woman shared her perspective, stating that she would actually feel relieved if she found out her husband was cheating. To understand her reasoning, you can read her story in full.