A heartbreaking incident occurred on a young couple’s wedding night in Russia. Ksenia Vodyanitskaya, a 23-year-old bride, fell to her death from the 15th floor of her apartment block, leaving her new husband, Kirill, in deep mourning.

The couple had just celebrated their marriage in a beautiful ceremony in St Petersburg, surrounded by close friends and a few relatives. The joyous occasion was followed by a lively reception at a restaurant, filled with laughter and celebration. Ksenia, a photography enthusiast, enthusiastically shared her happiness and photos from the special day with her friends and followers online.

After the festivities, the couple returned home to their apartment on the 15th floor. However, tragedy struck when Ksenia fell from a window to the ground below, turning what was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives into a devastating event. Kirill immediately called for emergency assistance and desperately rushed to find his wife, but sadly, Ksenia did not survive the fall.

When the police arrived, Kirill was understandably distraught but denied any involvement in his wife’s fall. He was not detained at the time, and initial investigations suggest that Ksenia’s death was a tragic accident. Authorities are still conducting a thorough investigation to understand the circumstances fully.

Friends and relatives who were present at the wedding attested to the happiness and love the couple shared. There were no apparent serious problems in their relationship. Ksenia’s friends are certain that Kirill adored his bride and would never intentionally harm her.

Ksenia’s passing comes shortly after another tragedy where a bride in Brazil, Elisangela Gazano, lost her life on her wedding day. The 38-year-old bride slipped and fell into a swimming pool during the reception, despite not knowing how to swim. Despite immediate rescue attempts and the arrival of emergency services, she sadly went into cardiac arrest and could not be saved.

These heartbreaking incidents remind us of the fragility of life and serve as a solemn reminder to cherish every moment with our loved ones.