As a concerned mother, I sat on Cindy’s bed, my heart weighed down by worry. Her tear-stained face mirrored my own concern, and I couldn’t ignore the feeling that something deeply troubled her.

Seeking Answers

In an attempt to comfort her, I gently asked, “Sweetie, can you tell me why you cry when grandma comes over?” Hoping that she would confide in me and share the source of her distress.

With a sniffle and wiping her eyes, Cindy spoke in a soft voice, “It’s because of her friend.”

Perplexing Thoughts

I was taken aback by confusion. “What friend? Grandma always comes alone,” I responded, struggling to comprehend Cindy’s words.

Shaking her head, Cindy’s eyes widened with fear. “No, Mommy, she’s not alone. She always brings her friend with her,” she insisted.

Frowning and trying to reassure her, I said gently, “Sweetheart, Grandma doesn’t have any friends who come over.”

But Cindy’s troubled expression persisted. Clutching her favorite stuffed toy tightly to her chest, she whispered, “Mommy, her friend… he’s always there. He watches me when you’re not looking.”

Unveiling the Truth

A chilling sensation ran down my spine as Cindy’s words sank in. Suddenly, everything clicked into place, and panic gripped my heart. Could it be possible? Was Cindy implying that my mother’s visits held a sinister secret?

Holding Cindy close, fear and uncertainty raced through my mind. It was time to confront my mother and unravel the truth behind Cindy’s cryptic words. Little did I know that the conversation with my daughter was just the beginning of a haunting journey, uncovering the dark secrets hidden within our family.