Once upon a time, there was a wise old farmer who found himself in a tricky situation. He wanted to buy a pickup truck that he saw advertised for a certain price. Excited, he went to the dealership, selected the truck, and sat down with the salesman to finalize the paperwork.


To his surprise, when the farmer received the bill, he realized that the price was much higher than what he had expected. Feeling deceived, he exclaimed, “This isn’t the price I saw!”

The salesman, trying to justify the increase, started listing all the extras that came with the truck: power brakes, power windows, special tires, and more. Even though the farmer urgently needed the truck, he couldn’t help feeling a little cheated. Reluctantly, he paid the higher price and went back home.

A few months later, the salesman contacted the farmer again. He explained that his son was participating in a 4-H project and needed a cow. Excited about the opportunity to make a sale, the farmer replied, “I do have some cows available, and I’m willing to sell them for $500.00 each. Come over and choose one.”

Eager to meet the farmer’s cows, the salesman and his son headed to the farm. They spent a couple of hours in the field, inspecting all the cows and deciding on the perfect one. The salesman then proceeded to write a check for $500.00.

But the farmer interrupted, saying, “Hold on a minute! That’s not the final price of the cow. You’re getting some extras with it, and you have to pay for those too.”

Surprised, the salesman asked, “What extras?”

The farmer presented the salesman with a detailed list of the extras and their respective prices. It included things like a two-tone exterior, an extra stomach, product storing equipment, a straw compartment, spigots, leather upholstery, dual horns, an automatic fly swatter, and even a fertilizer attachment. The grand total came out to be $1,233.00!

In this humorous tale of revenge, the wise old farmer made a witty point about pricing. He taught the salesman a valuable lesson about not inflating prices with unnecessary extras. It was a lesson that the salesman wouldn’t forget anytime soon.

The moral of the story is that it’s important to be cautious and not overlook the fine details when making a purchase. It’s also a reminder to always clarify the final price and not fall prey to misleading advertising tactics.
