A Surprise in the Making

Joshua and Megan Hulen had always longed for a daughter to complete their family. With two sons already, they decided to make one final attempt to have a girl. Little did they know that their plans would take an unexpected turn.

When Megan became pregnant, the couple eagerly anticipated finding out the gender of their baby. However, during a routine doctor’s visit, they received astonishing news. Instead of one baby, Megan was carrying five! The realization hit them that they were about to become a family of nine.

A Journey Amidst Chaos

Contrary to popular belief, the quintuplets were not a result of IVF and were conceived before the chaos of the COVID-19 pandemic. Megan and Joshua were relieved that their journey began before the world turned upside down. This fortunate timing allowed Joshua to accompany Megan to early appointments, bringing their family closer together and united in the face of the immense challenge ahead.

However, the Hulen family not only had the joy and apprehension of five babies on the way but also had to navigate the uncertainties of a global pandemic and subsequent shutdowns. Reflecting on the whirlwind experience, Megan shared, “It’s been really crazy, something we never expected, for sure.”

A Dream Come True

Before the quintuplets, the Hulens were blessed with two boys, aged seven and two. Eager to welcome a daughter, they began their fertility journey. However, doctors detected complications and halted any further treatments. As fate would have it, Megan was already carrying five precious lives.

During their first ultrasound at six weeks, Megan and Joshua were taken aback by the astounding news of five babies. “Pretty shocking. Exciting and terrifying all at once,” Joshua described, with Megan nodding in agreement.

On September 2, at 32 weeks gestation, Chloe, Adam, Emma, Allison, and Madison made their entrance into the world. The quintuplets amazed not only their parents but also the medical team.

Megan shared their disbelief, “They’re not viable, or one or two vanish, or those types of things happen. And so we thought, ‘OK, there’s not going to be five. There’s going to be two, three, or something.’ We went back after a week, and there were five heartbeats.”

Moreover, the birth of the quintuplets marked a remarkable milestone as they were the first of their kind to be born in North Dakota.

A Blessing in Disguise

The Hulen family’s journey had taken an unforeseen path, leading to an even larger and more joyful family than they had anticipated. While the magnitude of their blessings was overwhelming, they emphasized their gratitude. Speaking fondly of their expanding brood, Megan exclaimed, “We’re super excited and happy to have a big family. It’s bigger than what we anticipated, but…” Joshua playfully chimed in, “A lot bigger.”

In the midst of sleepless nights and endless responsibilities, the Hulens understood the true beauty of their extraordinary family. “We’re blessed, and we’re happy about it,” affirmed Megan. Joshua chuckled in agreement, adding, “Absolutely. And at some point in the future, when we get to sleep again, we’ll be thankful for that too.”

In a world where surprises often spring from unexpected places, the Hulen family exemplifies the resiliency and love that comes with embracing life’s unexpected blessings.