When you think of Amanda Bynes, you probably remember her from the hit movie, She’s the Man. Well, she’s back, and she’s making waves in the entertainment industry again. But there’s something different about her – her appearance has changed.

In her new podcast, the Amanda Bynes and Paul Siemunski podcast, she opens up about why she looks different now. In the first episode, she spoke to a tattoo artist about her decision to get a face tattoo. Surprisingly, she said that nowadays, people don’t really care if someone has a face tattoo, and she firmly believes that it shouldn’t matter.

Amanda’s career took off in the 1990s with The Amanda Bynes Show. From there, she went on to star in movies like She’s the Man and Hairspray. After a decade away from the public eye, not much was known about her personal life or the challenges she faced. Little did we know, she was pursuing an associate’s degree from the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising and getting a face tattoo.

Rather than keeping quiet about her changed appearance, Amanda decided to address it head-on. She revealed that she had undergone a procedure known as an eye lift, which significantly boosted her self-esteem. She now feels more comfortable in her own skin and wanted to share her story to clear up any confusion about her new look. She’s happy with the results and glad she made the decision to have the surgery.

It’s exciting to think about what else Amanda has in store for us. One thing is for sure – life changes, and she’s embracing it with open arms.