Amber Luke, the Queensland-born Australian model, is making headlines for her unique appearance. With tattoos covering 99% of her body and several other body modifications, it’s no wonder she’s gained the nickname “Dragon Girl.” However, despite her unconventional beauty, Amber has faced challenges in the job market.

During an interview on the Robin, Terry & Kip radio show in Brisbane, Amber revealed that her heavily tattooed appearance has limited her employment options. But she remains unbothered by this setback, stating that she doesn’t want to work for shallow-minded companies that can’t look past her image. She believes her work ethic, morals, and values should be the focus instead.

While Australia is generally a progressive country, Amber’s struggle to find a job shows that society still has a long way to go in terms of accepting diverse forms of beauty. Unfortunately, people have been rather blunt when expressing their opinions about her appearance. Amber shared her distress over public comments like, “You’re ugly” or “You’ve ruined yourself.” It’s disheartening to see that some individuals feel entitled to voice their negative opinions without considering the consequences.

Amber’s transformation journey hasn’t been easy, and she has undergone extensive surgery and body modifications to achieve her desired look. Despite the pain and challenges, she feels proud of her transformation and the strength it has brought her. One of the most intense experiences was getting her eyeballs tattooed, which made her sob with vivid blue tears. Although it put her off certain body modifications, she continued to make changes, including butt lifts and breast augmentation.

In 2020, Amber shared a photo of herself before her transformation, along with a caption reflecting on her past struggles with depression and self-hatred. She has come a long way since then and now embraces her uniqueness with confidence and pride.

While her journey may not be for everyone, Amber remains unapologetic about her choices. She emphasizes that no one has been harmed or injured by her tattoos and modifications. Her teeth, another body modification she’s happy with, accentuate her dragon-like eyes. She recalls feeling ecstatic about her “icy and blinged-out” mouth, with extended and sharpened fangs and a VVS white gold tooth.

Amber Luke’s story challenges societal beauty standards and encourages us to embrace individuality and self-expression. Her journey reminds us that beauty comes in many forms and shouldn’t be limited by conventional norms. Let’s celebrate diversity and support each other’s choices, even if they may seem unconventional to some.