Once upon a time, on a frosty night, an old owl perched atop a tree on a hill. The chilly air had the owl longing for warmth. As it cast its gaze upon the valley, a glimmer of light caught its attention – a light emanating from a window below.

Driven by the hope of finding solace in the warmth, the old owl glided down and landed on the window ledge. To its delight, the ledge provided a cozy spot to rest. Exhausted from the journey, the owl quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Unbeknownst to the owl, two veterinary students were studying inside the room for their final exams. Curiosity piqued by the unexpected visitor, the students saw an opportunity to use the owl for practice. With caution, they opened the window and anesthetized the unsuspecting owl.

One student peered into the owl’s throat and diagnosed it with tonsillitis, deciding to perform an operation. Meanwhile, the other student focused their attention on the owl’s rear end and diagnosed it with hemorrhoids, proceeding to operate as well. After the procedures were completed, they gently returned the owl to its perch on the ledge.

As the owl slowly regained consciousness, feeling groggy, it took flight and flew away. Winter came and went, and the same owl found itself back on the familiar tree on yet another cold night. This time, a young owl joined it on the same branch, remarking about the frigid weather.

Understanding the young owl’s discomfort, the old owl recalled its previous misfortune. It hesitated when the young owl suggested flying together to the window ledge where warmth might be found. With a touch of caution, the old owl responded, “No way! Last year, I made the same mistake. I fell asleep, woke up feeling intoxicated, and for the next six weeks, my digestive system was a mess! Trust me, it’s not worth it.”

And so, the seasoned old owl advised the young owl against repeating its misguided adventure, preserving its digestive well-being and wisdom for the foreseeable future.