We all value our relationships, but there’s a new trend that may be unknowingly causing harm – ‘phubbing’. You might be wondering, what exactly is ‘phubbing’?

'Phubbing' is new trend you're likely guilty of and it's ruining relationships

Picture this: you’re on a date, whether it’s a night out with your partner or meeting someone new from a dating app. You’re in a cozy restaurant or a lively bar, enjoying each other’s company with pleasant background music. Everything seems perfect until your phone buzzes, and you can’t resist the urge to check it.

Congratulations, you’ve just become a ‘phubber’. ‘Phubbing’, derived from ‘phone’ and ‘snubbing’, refers to the act of ignoring someone in favor of your phone. It’s a rude behavior that many of us may not even realize we’re guilty of.

A textbook case of phubbing (Petri Oeschger / Getty)

Studies have delved into the impact of ‘phubbing’ on relationships, revealing its harmful effects. Researchers have found that in romantic relationships, excessive phone use leads to decreased relationship satisfaction and a lower perception of relationship quality.

But it doesn’t stop there. ‘Phubbing’ not only affects the person being ignored (‘phubbee’), but the person doing the ‘phubbing’ (‘phubber’) as well. It has been shown to decrease overall happiness and life satisfaction.

So the next time you’re tempted to check your phone during a meaningful moment, think twice. Put your phone aside and fully engage in the present moment. Nurture your relationships and show respect to those around you. Remember, genuine connections are built when we are fully present and attentive.

'Phubbing' is new trend you're likely guilty of and it's ruining relationships