When it comes to hotel staff, they have seen it all. From shocking and nasty surprises to funny and bizarre encounters, hotel workers have shared their unbelievable stories on Reddit. Get ready to be amazed and appalled at what they’ve discovered behind closed doors.

1. The Silent Bachelor Party

When a huge bachelor party booked a room in our hotel, chaos was expected. But to everyone’s surprise, there was complete silence for hours. Curiosity drove us to investigate.

To our astonishment, we found the groom and his entourage fully clothed in the bathroom, engaging in a “naval battle” with toy boats and all. The bride-to-be was horrified and called off the wedding, as it turned out the groom had a history of prioritizing childish games over serious commitments.

Only in the world of hotel housekeeping do you come across such absurdity.

2. The Unused Toilet

Cleaning rooms can be a messy job, but nothing prepared me for the sight I encountered. After guests checked out, I discovered rolled-up towels on the floor, hiding a pile of feces underneath. And that was just the beginning.

Upon opening the shower curtain, I found at least ten more piles of feces mixed with urine. It was repulsive, but what made it even more bizarre was the perfectly clean toilet, as if it had never been used.

Needless to say, it was my last day on the job.

3. The Pizza Puzzle

In one guest’s room, I stumbled upon an entire pizza scattered around like a crime scene. From the TV to the dresser and even the lampshade, every nook and cranny had a slice of pizza hiding.

As I cleaned up the mess, I couldn’t help but wonder why someone would go through the trouble of smearing pizza everywhere. Was it dissatisfaction with the pizza? Or just a strange prank?

The pizza mystery remains unsolved, but it definitely left a lasting impression.

4. Too Much Luggage

One summer at a hotel with only two receptionists, we encountered a peculiar situation. A couple checked in with an excessive amount of luggage, raising suspicions.

It turned out they had come with the intention of stealing everything from the room, even going as far as removing the windows. Unfortunately, my colleague and I were sacked when the truth came to light.

5. Where’s the Bathroom?

In a luxury hotel, one guest’s behavior left a lasting memory for all the wrong reasons. He approached the bellstand to ask for the location of the restroom but left behind an unpleasant surprise.

As he walked downstairs, he unknowingly left a trail of feces behind him. The situation worsened when he reached the restroom and proceeded to smear human waste all over the walls.

To make matters worse, he threatened to write a bad review and claimed to be a hotel critic. Needless to say, we blacklisted him, and he never got his pants back.

6. The Sleepwalker

During my shift at a small boutique hotel, a distressed woman approached the front desk. She couldn’t find her sleepwalking husband and feared he had wandered into another guest’s room.

Curiosity got the best of me, and we reviewed the CCTV footage together. Much to our surprise, we found her husband sleeping naked on top of a bundled duvet in our linen storage room.

Although initially embarrassed, the husband provided us with a great story to share. And share it, I did!

7. The Mouse

At my grandparents’ guesthouse, a couple claimed their room was infested with mice. In disbelief, my grandma investigated their complaint and discovered a torn box from a local pet shop.

Upon further investigation, it was revealed that the couple had bought a live mouse and purposely placed it in their room. My grandfather promptly denied their refund and gave them a stern warning.

The couple threatened to sue but never followed through. Meanwhile, I had the task of catching the mouse, which eventually found a new home with my cousin’s mice.

These astonishing and disgusting stories give us a peek into the hidden world of hotel workers. Behind the scenes, they navigate through unexpected situations to ensure guests have a comfortable stay.

Have you ever encountered something strange during your hotel stays? Share your unusual experiences with us in the comments section below.