Barbra Streisand recently made headlines with her fiery statement on who she believes is responsible for electing Donald Trump as the President of the United States. In her opinion, it was the white women of America who played a significant role in this outcome.

Streisand expresses her disappointment in the fact that despite video evidence of Trump’s questionable treatment of women, many white women still chose to vote for him. She believes that these women did not think for themselves but instead followed the instructions of their husbands. Streisand finds it shocking that women would prioritize their husbands’ opinions over their own thoughts.

According to Streisand, the women who voted for Trump are trapped in a complex situation that prevents them from thinking independently. She acknowledges that a lot of women tend to vote in line with their husbands’ views and do not trust their own thoughts enough.

While Streisand’s statement may be offensive to those who voted for Trump, she hopes to shake women out of their complacency. She wants them to start prioritizing their own well-being and making choices that are best for them, rather than just following their husbands’ lead.

It is undoubtedly challenging for white women who voted for Trump to hear Streisand’s perspective. They stand firm in their belief that they made a choice based on their own values and aspirations. However, Streisand remains unwavering in her stance.

Streisand also mentions that she was deeply affected by Hillary Clinton’s loss in the 2016 presidential election. She reveals that she was heartbroken and felt the need to express her emotions through her art. This led her to create an album called “Walls,” which has faced criticism from individuals across the political spectrum.

Through her album, Streisand aims to highlight the importance of equality and believes that Trump’s administrative decisions do not align with this principle. She was profoundly moved by the election results, especially considering that Clinton received nearly 3 million more votes than Trump.

It is true that the popular vote favored Hillary Clinton, but it was the electoral college that ultimately determined the election outcome – a fact that still leaves Streisand somewhat bewildered.

What are your thoughts on Barbra Streisand’s perspective regarding women who voted for Trump?