We live in a world that can sometimes be dangerous, especially when going out and about. While it’s enjoyable to socialize and have a drink, it’s essential to have an escape plan in case things don’t go as expected. This is particularly important for those on a date with someone they don’t know well enough.

Imagine going out to a place where there are drinks being served. What if you find yourself in an uncomfortable or unsafe situation? That’s where the ‘Angel shot’ comes in, and it’s a drink that bartenders should be familiar with.

A viral video is shedding light on this important message. In the video, a man and a woman are sitting at a bar, with the man giving the woman a hard time. She then orders an ‘Angel shot,’ but the bartender is puzzled and doesn’t understand what she means. Sensing something is off, she asks him to look it up.

As the bartender does some research, he discovers the significance of the ‘Angel shot’. It turns out, ordering this specific shot is the woman’s way of silently asking for help.

Deeply moved, the bartender takes swift action. He discreetly alerts the bouncer about the situation, who then accompanies the woman to a safe area outside.


Scary moment when girl secretly signals bartender for help

♬ Love You So – The King Khan & BBQ Show

While there is a possibility that the video was staged, the important lesson it conveys to bartenders and those on a date remains the same. It’s crucial for everyone to be aware of this secret code, as it could potentially save lives.

Remember, it’s always better to be prepared and look out for one another. Cheers to creating a safer and more caring world!