Allison Kimmey, a mother of two, recently shared a powerful experience she had when she took her children swimming. During their time at the pool, her daughter called her fat, sparking a conversation that has since gone viral. Allison’s response to her daughter’s comment not only teaches a valuable lesson about body acceptance but also encourages equality and understanding.

Allison has had her own struggles with body image, starting from a young age. Throughout her life, she battled with trying to maintain a size two to four, but she realized that it wasn’t making her happy. At the age of 27, she decided to embrace her weight gain and focus on self-acceptance.

To motivate herself and others, Allison created an Instagram account called @allisonkimmey, where she shares empowering images and quotes. While her posts have uplifted and inspired many, not everyone fully grasps the importance of her message.

During their visit to the pool, Allison’s daughter lashed out and called her fat when it was time to leave. In response, Allison took the opportunity to have a conversation about body image and fat.

Allison explained to her daughter that being fat is not something you can be, but rather something you have. Fat is a natural part of our bodies that protects our muscles and bones and provides us with energy. She asked her daughter if she had fat, and the little girl pointed to her tummy proudly. Allison highlighted that everyone has fat, albeit in different amounts.

Allison’s son chimed in, stating that he doesn’t have fat, only muscles. She corrected him, explaining that everyone has fat, but some people have more and others have less. However, this does not make one person superior to another.

By having this conversation with her children, Allison aimed to teach them not only how to speak respectfully but also to emphasize that everyone is equal, regardless of their body shape. Her message quickly gained attention on Instagram, resonating with people worldwide.

Allison’s approach is truly inspiring. Instead of shaming her children for using the word “fat,” she used it as an opportunity to break down the stigma and celebrate our differences. Her story serves as a reminder that we should support and uplift one another rather than judging based on appearances.

Let’s be better at encouraging one another and embracing our unique qualities. Share Allison’s story if you agree!