Imagine this: you’re on a mundane late-night run to Walmart, maybe stocking up on snacks or hunting for that elusive just-gone-on-sale TV. Sounds normal, right? But for Cheryl and Mel Johnson, their routine errand turned into a nightmarish episode straight out of a suspense thriller. Picture Mel, rolling up to grab a shopping cart only to find—wait for it—a razor blade slyly lurking on the handle. One wrong grip, and presto, instant hand injury. Ouch!

Now, before you start obsessively running your fingers along every shopping cart at Walmart, let’s break it down. The Johnsons, startled and likely more than a little miffed, immediately flagged down the manager. Kudos to the swift action, the staff scurried to inspect every cart in the vicinity, probably feeling like CSI: Walmart Edition. Thankfully, no additional blades were found. Phew! But doesn’t it just make you wonder: Who in their right mind would pull such a stunt?

In a world where common sense sometimes feels as rare as a unicorn, the police floated a couple of theories. It could be some twisted prankster’s idea of a joke (note to self: not funny). Alternatively, it could be the work of a desperate shoplifter using it to slice off security tags. Either way, it’s a chilling reminder that danger can strike in the most unexpected places—yes, even in the friendly aisles of your local Walmart.

But here’s the kicker: This unsettling episode isn’t a one-off. Oh no, it’s déjà vu from 2015. Back in North Dakota, a similar razor blade incident gave everyone another reason to fear the shopping cart mafia. Luckily, once again, no one was gravely injured, but you just can’t help pondering the ‘what ifs.’ Kids, who are forever curious and less cautious, or someone older who might not notice the blade until it’s too late.

So, what can be done? Well, dear reader, it’s a two-way street. Sure, it’s a jungle out there, but using a bit of street smarts can help. That flick of the thumb across the cart handle before you grab it? Consider it your new ritual. But it’s not all on you. Retailers, time to step up your game. How about some frequent cart inspections, advanced security measures, and an ongoing awareness campaign? Let’s get those store employees and customers on the same page. Carts should carry groceries, not hidden danger.

Now, what do you think, fellow savvy shopper? Should Walmart and other retail titans start patrolling their cart herds with more vigilance or maybe throw in a disinfectant wipe dispenser for bonus peace of mind? The ball’s in their court, but a dash of caution on our part wouldn’t hurt either.

In my humble opinion, it’s high time we hit the reset button on our collective shopping psyche. Paranoid? Nope, just prepared. So whether you’re grabbing a gallon of milk or embarking on an all-out shopping spree, let your senses tingle and your thumbs do the walking. Shopping should be safe, not a potential trip to the ER. Stay sharp, literally and figuratively!