Owen puts teddy on gravestone

Owen Osborne-Williams, a compassionate 10-year-old boy, felt a wave of sadness when he visited his late aunt Denise’s gravesite at the cemetery. It was almost Christmas, and while he deeply missed his aunt, there was another concern on his mind.

The cemetery had recently opened a dedicated section for babies who tragically passed away before their first birthdays. These little angels had not lived long enough to experience the joy of Christmas. This realization pained Owen’s heart.

Moved by his empathy, Owen wanted to ensure that these babies had presents for the holiday season. He came up with a heartwarming idea: he decided to donate some of his cherished teddy bears to the children’s gravestones. On top of that, Owen asked his mother, Mary, to post a plea on Facebook, urging others to contribute as well.

Owen wrapping

As Christmas drew near, Owen carefully wrapped each teddy bear in freezer bags to protect them from the weather. Then, he lovingly placed them at St Peter’s Churchyard in Hednesford. News of this beautiful gesture quickly spread throughout the town, and people showered Owen and his family with messages of admiration and support.

The response only grew larger the following year. Owen began asking for teddy bear donations again, and the community responded with overwhelming kindness. The family even created a Facebook page called “Owen’s Little Angels” to keep everyone updated on his festive project.

Year after year, Owen’s project blossomed as more and more donations poured in. Now, the teenager and his dedicated helpers (also known as his mom and dad) travel to various cemeteries across the West Midlands, leaving cuddly toys at the graves of these angelic children. Despite the lack of meticulous planning, their efforts continue to touch countless lives.

One of Owen's teddies

As word spread, volunteers joined the cause, offering to wrap gifts and assist with the project. Owen himself receives countless messages and cards each Christmas from people who admire his work, including grateful parents of the children whose graves he visits.

Collection of teddies

At 17 years old, Owen has set his sights on bringing even more joy to these little angels. With approximately 2,000 donations to wrap and deliver, he has a busy holiday season ahead. From local cemeteries to towns like Wolverhampton, Owen is determined to expand his impact for years to come. This mission brings him immense fulfillment and shows no sign of stopping.