A proud mom’s recent Facebook post about her son’s kind gesture has captured the hearts of thousands of people online. Matthew Resendez, a young employee at a local Burger King, had a life-changing encounter when a homeless man approached his counter one evening.

The man hesitantly asked Matthew, “What can I get for 50 cents?” Without giving it a second thought, Matthew rang up the man for the biggest meal on the menu. Not stopping there, he reached into his own wallet and used his debit card to pay for the man’s meal.

But the story didn’t end there. A woman inside the restaurant witnessed Matthew’s act of kindness and was deeply moved. She decided to pay it forward by giving Matthew a generous $100 bill.

After Matthew finished his shift, he excitedly shared the heartwarming incident with his mom, Michelle Resendez. Bursting with pride, Michelle took to Facebook to share the story with her friends and family. Her post quickly gained traction, reaching over 40,000 people and counting. Commenters praised Matthew’s empathy and called for more people like him in the world.

Michelle expressed her joy and gratitude, saying, “I’m so proud to be his mom, and I can pat myself on the back for raising this big-hearted young man.”

Matthew’s story serves as a reminder that even small acts of kindness can have a big impact. It’s heartwarming to see how one person’s selfless act can inspire others to make a difference in someone else’s life.

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