There isn’t much a parent wouldn’t do for their child, if you ask them. Our lives change in the most profound ways the day we become parents. We understand that our child will need all of our attention for the rest of our lives. But sadly, there are things that are beyond our control as parents. Accidents and illnesses are a part of life, and unfortunately, many children find themselves dealing with circumstances and illnesses that they can’t control.

When Alina and Aaron Edwards received the devastating news that their nine-year-old daughter, Emma, had been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, their world was shattered. Despite their grief, they held onto the hope that Emma would conquer cancer. However, their hope was crushed when the doctors told them that there was nothing more they could do to prolong Emma’s life after a few months.

Emma’s parents made the difficult decision to make the most of the remaining time and fulfill their daughter’s wishes.

Most kids in such circumstances would wish to meet a celebrity hero, go to Disneyland, or watch their favorite player in action. However, Emma had a very unique request. She asked for permission to marry DJ, who was also just ten years old.

Emma’s campaign quickly gained support from her neighborhood. A group of volunteers and well-wishers formed “Emma’s Army” and set out to fulfill all of Emma’s wishes before she passed away. The Make-A-Wish Foundation also stepped in to support Emma’s family in raising money. While most children dream of visiting Disneyland, Emma wanted to be a wife, get married, and have three children, according to her mother Alina.

The “wedding” wasn’t actually the first time Emma and DJ had attempted to get married. When they were eight years old, they tried to have a wedding in class, even choosing their classmates as bridesmaids and groomsmen. Unfortunately, their teacher did not allow it. But for their second attempt at a wedding, they had their parents’ blessing and the support of other kind-hearted people who wanted Emma to have her special day.

“We threw it together in less than two days, everything ended up being donated. It was so precious, and it came together so well,” Alina revealed.

On June 29, Emma’s special day finally arrived. Her parents wheeled her down the aisle, with her father proudly leading the way. Emma, dressed in a stunning purple dress, smiled as she made her way to the ceremony. After exchanging vows and rings, DJ sealed their marriage with a kiss.

While all of this was happening, Alina couldn’t be prouder of her daughter’s sweet young husband. She shared a tearful message on Facebook saying, “DJ has been Emma’s ‘Boo bear’ since 3rd grade, and let me tell you, seeing these babies together will melt your heart. DJ protects her, helps her, and makes her heart soar. She loves him. And I know he loves her too! He has stood beside her through all her ups and downs and kept her smiling the whole time. DJ will forever be family.”

Sadly, after fighting for a few weeks, little Emma lost her battle and passed away on July 11, 2023.

Emma’s obituary read: “Emma Brooks Edwards entered heaven and into the loving arms of her Great-grandma Frannie Annie on July 11, 2023, surrounded by those who loved her most. Emma was 10 years old and battled ‘The imposter,’ Leukemia, for 16 months. Emma, our little unicorn, was born April 22, 2013, to loving parents and three older siblings, completing the Edwards family. She loved arts and crafts, practical jokes, her family and friends, Jesus, and her newlywed ‘husband,’ DJ. Emma was a light to all who loved her and an inspiration to all she met. She was absolutely the best daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, cousin, aunt, ‘wife,’ and friend. Her legacy is one of strength, humor, and limitless love for all people.”

Rest in peace, Emma. You were such a beautiful young girl taken from us far too soon.