So, you think you’ve got parenting all figured out, eh? Spoiler alert: You don’t. Meet Emma, a daring mother who’s shaking things up in the world of child-rearing. In an age where every parental move is scrutinized like it’s under the world’s largest magnifying glass, Emma, with her sassy sidekick Georgie, is taking a road less traveled, and guess what? It’s compelling, controversial, and captivating.

At 38, Emma could give a masterclass in defying norms. Her eight-year-old son, Georgie, is the center of her universe. But unlike most parents who lean on the good ol’ discipline stick, Emma’s weapon of choice is empathy—wholesale, unfiltered empathy. Kumbaya, right? Well, not exactly.

Why Say ‘Thank You’ or ‘Sorry’?

Let’s be real. Forcing kids to utter those magic words often feels like we’re programming little robots.