There once was an old cattle farmer who was facing a dilemma during breeding season. Some of his older bulls were struggling to perform as they used to. These were top-of-the-line studs, but age was finally catching up with them. The farmer, feeling disheartened, said to the local vet, “Well, I guess it looks like these old boys are going to be sent off to the meatpackers this year.”

Cattle life could be rough, and to keep the herd growing, tough decisions had to be made. However, the vet had a different idea. He asked the farmer if he could try something out before giving up on the older bulls. Intrigued, the farmer agreed.

The vet got to work by examining the older bulls. After some careful consideration, he decided to try a unique approach. He began working with the cows, getting his hands all messy and then approached the bulls, smearing the substance on their noses. As if by magic, the bulls started to become aroused and within moments, they were enthusiastically chasing after the cows.

The farmer couldn’t believe his eyes. He was overjoyed with the vet’s success and decided to pay him a little extra for his clever trick. It was a glimmer of hope for his aging bulls.

Later that evening, as the farmer lay in bed with his wife, he couldn’t help but reflect on the events of the day. It had been quite some time since they had been intimate. The spirit was willing, but his flesh had grown weak with age.

In the darkness, he pondered the similarity between himself and the old bulls. Inspired by the vet’s method, he reached over and gently began to pleasure his wife. He then brought his hand to his face, inhaling deeply, and repeated the process a few times.

To his astonishment, the old man’s body began to respond. He hadn’t felt this invigorated since his early 30s. It was truly remarkable! Filled with excitement, he turned on the light and shook his wife awake, saying, “Honey… HONEY… you’ve got to see this…”

Half-asleep, his wife rolled over and grumbled, “Ah, for f*ck sake, you woke me up to show me you have a wet nose?”