Baby pics of Matthew

Matthew Kandziorra, the most premature baby to survive being born outside of a hospital in the UK, is on a quest to find the paramedic who saved his life. Matthew medically ‘died’ in an ambulance on his way to the hospital, but a heroic paramedic gave him life-saving CPR and brought him back from the brink. Now 14 years old and living with Cerebral Palsy, Matthew wants to express his gratitude in person to this dedicated medic.

Matthew Kandziorra, 14,

Matthew’s journey began when his mother, Laura, unexpectedly went into labor at just 25 weeks and four days. In the early hours of August 15, 2007, Laura experienced stomach pain, and Matthew’s grandmother, Renata Sawicka, delivered him in the bathroom. His father, Dawid, relayed instructions from a 999 operator. With no time to reach the hospital, Matthew arrived in the ambulance.

Doctors at the hospital fought tirelessly to save Matthew’s young life. After undergoing a blood transfusion and spending four months in the hospital, Matthew’s parents finally brought him home just in time for Christmas 2007. He weighed 2.7 kilos at that time, bringing immense joy to his family.

Dawid tearfully recalled the visit from the paramedic the day after Matthew’s birth, expressing his gratitude and recognizing the heroism of the paramedic who saved his son’s life. Both Dawid and Laura were just twenty years old when Matthew was born, and they were informed by doctors that he had suffered brain damage.

Matthew Kandziorra pictured at two months old next to dad Dawid's hand

Despite the challenges, Matthew has grown into a remarkable young man. He has experienced delays in his development and faces mobility issues due to cerebral palsy. Earlier this year, he underwent surgery on his right hand. However, Matthew remains positive and hopeful, wanting his story to inspire others: “When I was born, no one gave me a chance to live. But today, I am 14 years old, weigh 48 kilograms, and even though I struggle with cerebral palsy, I am still happy and enjoy every single day of my life.”

Matthew with his sister Julia, 7 and parents David and Laura Kandziorra

Matthew is determined to find the paramedic who played a crucial role in his survival and wants to express his profound gratitude to him. His journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and a reminder to never give up, no matter the circumstances.