Alright, everyone, gather ’round for a story that’s bound to make you question your loyalty to your favorite fast-food joint. What’s the one thing you’d expect for working 27 solid years without missing a single day? A parade? A gold watch? Guess again.

Burger King has recently come under fire for giving a painfully modest gift to Kevin Ford, a devoted employee who worked tirelessly, day in and day out, for an astonishing 27 years. And by ‘modest,’ I mean, you’ll want to sit down for this one.

Kevin Ford, the unsung hero flipping burgers and frying fries with impeccable attendance, received the kind of gift that makes you go, “Seriously?”

The grand token of appreciation included a lone movie ticket, a Starbucks cup (note: not even a gift card, just a cup), and some candies and chocolates. Yes, you read that right. That’s exactly what 27 years of impeccable service got him—no typo here.

Imagine slogging your way through 27 winters and summers, and all you have to show for it is a movie ticket that probably doesn’t even cover a 3D film. Naturally, the Internet had some thoughts.

Thankfully, the universe has a way of balancing things out. Enter Seryna, Kevin’s wonderful daughter. Outraged by this lackluster reward, she took matters into her own hands and kicked off a GoFundMe campaign to properly honor her father’s commitment and hard work.

The Power of the Internet

Seryna’s heartfelt appeal struck a chord, resonating with people who understood what true dedication means—certainly more than a few pieces of candy. She initially aimed for a modest $200, but wait until you hear what happened next.

The campaign went viral, and in no time, the donations poured in, totalling an astonishing $459,800. Yes, that’s nearly half a million dollars. Take that, movie ticket!

Inspired and fueled by the public’s overwhelming support, Kevin didn’t let this unexpected windfall go to waste. With forums and communities cheering him on, he decided to embark on a culinary dream that was always at the back of his mind.

A New Beginning with ‘K27Y’

With the heartfelt support of his daughter and the funds from the campaign, Kevin set out to start his own food truck business. And in a nod to his viral internet fame, he christened his venture