You probably remember the mix of excitement and nervousness you felt on your very first day of school. It’s a common experience for many children – leaving the comfort of home and venturing into the unknown. One little boy named Axel was no exception. He was struggling with the idea of being apart from his mother, Amy Johnson, despite her assurances that everything would be fine.

When bus driver Isabel Lane arrived to pick up Axel, she noticed his apprehension right away. “He was all smiles when he saw me around the corner,” Isabel said. “But as soon as I started to slow down, his face changed.”

Amy lifted Axel up and placed him on the nearest bus seat. She wanted to take a photo of her son to capture the moment. However, as soon as she started to walk away, Axel reached out for her. That’s when Isabel did something truly remarkable – she extended her hand behind her and held Axel’s hand.

Through this simple act of comfort, Amy was able to take the photo she wanted. She uploaded it to Facebook, where it quickly became a hit with others. Even the local police department shared the image, applauding Isabel for her kindness during a challenging moment.

Surprisingly, Isabel didn’t think her actions were a big deal. “I didn’t think it was like that big of a deal personally. I guess this is something that I would do,” she later commented.

However, reports show that Isabel’s small act of kindness made a significant impact on Axel. The following day, the 10-year-old eagerly waited at the bus stop on his own and greeted Isabel with a cheerful “hello” before boarding the bus.

Isabel, you truly are a star! Amy is undoubtedly grateful for what you did for her son, and your heartwarming gesture has touched the hearts of people everywhere.