Caitlyn Jenner, at the age of 70, may not be making as many headlines as before, but she’s been diligently working on growing her fortune. In a bold move to promote her new luxury sunblock brand, the former Olympic champion posed topless in a private pool, proving that she enjoys a carefree lifestyle with her much-younger girlfriend.

In the captivating photo, Jenner confidently holds a silver bottle of Lumasol, her own creation, which resembles a fashionable perfume bottle. With her hair slicked back, donning black sunglasses and her Olympic gold medal around her neck, she exudes a certain enigmatic charm.

Lumasol was developed in collaboration with Jenner’s close friend Sophia Hutchins, and the product has gained significant attention. Fans flocked to the image, leaving thousands of likes and comments. One admirer wrote, “You look so beautiful.” It’s clear that despite the controversial aspects of Jenner’s life, she continues to captivate and inspire.

It’s been five years since Caitlyn Jenner’s transition into womanhood, and she remains a prominent figure in the public eye. Not only does she make headlines, but she also releases products that generate substantial profits. Although a high-end sunblock may not be on everyone’s shopping list, Jenner’s business acumen is undeniable, much like her stepdaughter Kendall Jenner, who found success with her Moon line of teeth whitening products.

While Caitlyn’s ex-wife’s son-in-law, Kanye West, has been grabbing negative attention recently, Jenner is forging ahead, developing products that genuinely resonate with consumers. She’s even hinted at the possibility of becoming Kanye’s running mate for vice president. And why not? She’s a seasoned businesswoman, athlete, and fashion enthusiast. These qualities make her a formidable candidate, even when compared to other contenders.

Unfortunately for Jenner, Kanye has chosen a different path and has recently named Michelle Tidball, described as an “obscure preacher from Wyoming,” as his potential running mate. However, with West’s unpredictable nature, it may not be surprising if he changes his mind and looks to someone he can trust. And who better than his former step-parent-in-law, Caitlyn Jenner?

Regardless of the political landscape, Caitlyn Jenner continues to live her best life, thriving in business and enjoying the successes that come her way.