A good riddle can bring friends closer together as they attempt to solve it. But a difficult riddle can also lead to frustration among friends, especially if one person knows the answer and keeps it a secret.

I Always Thought I Was Good At Riddles But This Is Tough!

Right now, there’s a riddle storming the Internet that could test your friendship. The question is simple: What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs? It may sound easy, but it’s actually quite challenging to solve.

To help your friends out, you can give them a few hints. Start by letting them know that the answer does not involve fur. Another hint you can share is that the answer is a common object that we encounter every day.


This image shows the newly redesigned one-cent coin, commonly known as a penny. The coin features different designs representing different aspects of President Abraham Lincoln’s life.

If your friend is still struggling, give them one last hint: the answer is no longer used in Canada. Have you figured out the solution yet? If not, don’t worry! You can always look to President Abraham Lincoln for guidance.

And the answer is… a penny! A penny doesn’t have fur, it has a head and a tail, and it’s brown. Let us know how quickly your friends were able to solve this riddle in the comments below!