Do you remember those “Where’s Waldo” books that you enjoyed growing up? Well, here’s a similar challenge for you. A talented photographer named Simon Menner has made a name for himself by capturing pictures of military snipers in action (or should we say, in hiding).

He goes out and tells the snipers to do their best to remain hidden while he snaps away. The aim of the game is for you to spot the sniper in the picture.

The Sneakiest Job in the Military

In the military, being a sniper is one of the sneakiest jobs you can have. It requires a serious knack for hide and seek, as well as a ton of patience to remain unseen for long periods of time. Simon Menner has turned this art of hiding into a captivating photography project. The result? Pictures that might initially appear as plain landscapes, but with the hidden presence of a skilled sniper.

People have been amazed at the ability of these snipers to hide so effectively. They would scrutinize the images, using their sharp eyes to break down every detail. However, in real life, one wouldn’t have the luxury of time to do the same. By the time you realize the danger lurking in the shadows, it could already be too late.

A Game of Spot the Sniper

Simon Menner embarked on this project in 2010 and 2013 when he requested to photograph the German military, specifically their marksmen. In 2022, he continued his pursuit by photographing marksmen in Lithuania and Latvia as they remained hidden out of sight. The photos gained significant attention online, leaving people astonished at their inability to spot the man with a gun. Yet, this simply means that these marksmen are doing their jobs right.

It’s worth noting that the photos were staged, and the snipers were not in battle mode at the time. However, this doesn’t diminish the effort and authenticity put into the project. The soldiers took great pride in ensuring they remained concealed from Simon’s camera lens.

The Fascination with Hidden Heroes

Simon Menner is captivated by this whole experiment and wishes to photograph more snipers while they are dressed in full camouflage and hiding from everyone. In his quest, he has called out to the US military, asking them to get in touch with him for a photoshoot. He finds the challenge of spotting hidden snipers fascinating, as people initially believe they’ve found them, only to start doubting themselves later.

Can You Spot the Sniper?

Now, let’s put your skills to the test. Take a look at the picture below and try to find the sniper. We’ll give you a few minutes to give it a shot.

Have you found the sniper yet? If not, don’t worry. The sniper is exceptionally good at what he does. Look closely at the building in the picture. The sniper is positioned in the doorway on the second floor, cleverly blending in with the camouflage. It’s no wonder that anyone passing by wouldn’t have the time to spot the sniper before it’s too late.

So, congratulations if you spotted the sniper, because you truly have the eyes of a marksman!