When you first look at this photo, it may seem like an ordinary kitchen with the usual appliances and items. But, hidden in plain sight, there’s a sneaky little dog waiting to be found. Can you spot it?

The dog owner who shared this photo loves showing off their furry friend. And let me tell you, it’s not as easy as you might think to find the dog at first glance. But don’t worry, I’ll give you a hint!

If you take a closer look, you’ll notice that the dog is cleverly camouflaged. Its fur matches the color of the kitchen mat it’s lying on, making it blend in perfectly. No wonder it’s so hard to spot!

Now, here’s the hint: the dog is not sitting on the brown tiles. You might be tempted to think that the brown tiles would be a great hiding spot for a dog with brown fur, but you’d be wrong. This furball has a different color!

To make it a little easier for you, try looking for the dog’s reflection. You won’t see it in the fridge or the oven, but if you take a peek at the dishwasher door, you might just notice a black reflection.

And there it is! The black Labrador retriever is curled up on the black kitchen mat, enjoying a cozy nap. It’s no wonder the dog is so comfortable—the mat is warmed up by the dishwasher and the hot water running through the plumbing. Sounds like the perfect spot for a quick snooze!

Some people might have spotted the dog right away, but most of us struggled to find it. It goes to show just how good this dog is at disappearing!

So, did you manage to find the dog? Was it a tough challenge or an easy one for you? Let us know!