No matter who we are, we will all have to pass tests at some point in our lives. Some exams are given in classrooms, while others are a part of the “school of hard knocks.” While many people detest taking tests due to the pressure to perform well, some tests are actually enjoyable and entertaining.

One such test is an assessment that determines your IQ and general level of intelligence. The best part is, you don’t have to discuss the results with anyone. It’s a test solely intended for your eyes. And that’s exactly what the viral image below represents:

This image has been circulating because no one can identify which chicken is different. It takes a sharp eye and a high IQ to determine the unique hen among the others. Many have attempted to solve this puzzle, but few have succeeded.

WARNING: Are You Ready for the Challenge?

If you would like a hint, resist the urge to scrutinize each chicken for differences. Surprisingly, it only makes the puzzle harder instead of easier. To save you from scrolling back up, here’s the image once more:

You had one task to do – find the unique chicken among the group of eight. Even though it was a test, it was actually quite enjoyable. After all, who doesn’t appreciate chickens? Many people keep them as pets or utilize them for decoration, simply because it’s fun to do so.

By now, you might be wondering if it’s even possible to solve the puzzle. Perhaps you’ve given up on the process and are prepared for the solution. Well, we’re excited to provide you with the answer, but be warned – once you see it, there’s no going back.

Watch the Video for the Solution

To help you find the unique chicken and discover more about this delightful puzzle, we have a video for you. The video will guide you through the differences between each chicken in detail. Once you’ve watched the video, scroll down for a summary of the differences.

#1. An Additional Toe

The second chicken has an extra toe. Can you spot it?

#2. Fewer Tail Feathers

The third bird has fewer tail feathers than the others. Keep an eye out for this difference.

#3. Just One Thigh Wrinkle

Look closely at the fifth bird – it has only one thigh wrinkle, unlike the rest.

#4. An Extra Feather

The sixth chicken has an additional feather around its neck. Can you find it?

#5. Glancing Up

The seventh chicken is the only one looking up. Don’t overlook this subtle difference.

#6. A Longer Butt Crease

Pay attention to the eighth chicken – it has a longer butt crease compared to the others.

#7. The Overlooked Distinction

Finally, there is another difference that often gets overlooked. No other chicken can see the eighth chicken. Congratulations if you spotted this one!

That wraps up our exciting chicken puzzle. If you managed to find all the differences, give yourself a pat on the back – you are truly a genius!