An outraged mother and her child recently came across a shocking sight that prompted them to speak out against a well-known car rental company. As they saw a car with the phrase “no birds” written across the side, they realized it was time for change. Nicole Van Dijken and her 7-year-old son were taken aback by what they considered to be a sexist remark in the company’s slogan.

Bayswater Car Rental, founded in Perth, Australia in 1958, had been using this slogan for seventy-five years without any concerns. However, times have changed, and society has become more conscious about inclusive language that respects everyone. In the past, this company didn’t hire women drivers, and the phrase “no birds” referred to the absence of female drivers. Instead, customers were expected to pick up their own cars, making them the drivers themselves.

When Van Dijken’s son asked about the meaning behind the slogan, she struggled to find the right words to explain it to him. She expressed her frustration, stating, “It’s a sexist slur, and I’m now in a position where I need to explain that to my son. Which I did do.” She firmly believes that such outdated language has no place in our modern times and should be consigned to the shameful past of the 1950s and 1960s.

Van Dijken is not alone in her disapproval. Many people share her sentiments, calling for a change in the company’s slogan. One man, acknowledging that in the past, calling a girl a “bird” was considered friendly, expressed his disappointment with the slogan’s continued use in today’s world. Meanwhile, a woman recalled the opposition she witnessed during her younger years and was surprised that the company was still using the offensive phrase.

In response to the criticism, Bayswater Car Rental has chosen not to change its slogan but instead directs customers to their website for an explanation. Their website states, “These days having hire cars delivered may seem excessive. But when Bayswater Car Rental started, having ‘delivery girls’ was a standard extra service in Australia.”

While everyone is entitled to their opinion, it is important to understand that language evolves and what may have been acceptable in the past may now be considered offensive. It is crucial for businesses to adapt and embrace inclusivity to meet the needs and expectations of their customers.