Promise I wrote this article all by myself

AI has many uses – from summarising academic articles to generating bizarre yet hilarious images, even writing songs that might make Harry Styles jealous. However, since ChatGPT took the world by storm in November 2022, it seems some students at Russell Group universities have been engaging in a different kind of academic revolution—using AI to cheat. Yes, by asking AI software to ‘please write my assignment,’ they’ve crossed from ingenuity into pure academic dishonesty.

According to data from the AI platform AIPRM, a jaw-dropping 2,952 UK university students faced penalties for using AI across the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 academic years. In fact, 83 percent of universities had initiated investigations into AI-aided cheating episodes. So, let’s dive in and take a look at where these academic escapades went down. Here are the Russell Group universities that have caught and penalised students for enlisting AI to do their dirty work.

9. University of Cambridge – 0 students

Surprise, surprise – the University of Cambridge reported that none of their students had been punished for using AI. Could this mean Cambridge students are just that good at not getting caught? Or do they have an entirely different cheat code up their sleeves?

8. Newcastle University – 6 students

Despite being a part of the prestigious Russell Group, Newcastle University got only a 37.3 score for teaching in the Times Higher Education University Rankings for 2024. Is that why six students opted to place their trust in AI over traditional teaching methods?

7. University of Leeds – 7 students

With 90 percent of Leeds grads finding employment or diving into further study within 15 months of graduating, it seems at least seven couldn’t resist the allure of an artificially intelligent study buddy.

5. (tie) King’s College London – 19 students

King’s College London had one of the largest enrollments in 2022, so naturally, a sizeable number of students found their way into AI-assisted cheating.

5. (tie) University of Edinburgh – 19 students

Maybe these students spent too much of their summer at the Edinburgh Fringe, missing out on their coursework, and had to rely on AI to save the day. Who knows?

4. University of Sheffield – 40 students

Despite being ranked 18th in the Complete University Guide’s 2025 league table, 40 students at Sheffield University resorted to AI for their assignments. C’mon, Sheffield!

Anyone using AI in here?

3. University of York – 45 students

York may be the smallest uni on our list with just 23,420 students in 2022. But they sure made up for their size with a hefty 45 students caught using AI to cheat.

2. University of Glasgow – 51 students

Given that the University of Glasgow is one of the largest in the UK, with 42,980 students enrolled in 2021/2022, it’s almost predictable that 51 students would be tempted to use AI for academic salvation.

1. Queen Mary University of London – 52 students

Queen Mary takes the not-so-prestigious top spot with 52 students penalised for using AI. Perhaps these students spent a little too much time exploring the vibrant East End instead of hitting the books. Desperate times call for AI measures?

And there you have it, folks! If you’re considering dabbling in some AI-fuelled academic shortcuts, you might want to think twice—unless you’re at Cambridge, apparently. Just kidding, or am I?