Children possess an incredible innocence that is hard to measure. As we grow older, our perspectives change, and some memories from our past take on new meanings. Recently, Reddit users shared their shocking and disturbing childhood experiences, reminding us of the resilience children have.

Let’s explore some of these stories that will give you a deeper appreciation for the strength of children.

1. A Hospital Visit: More Than Meets the Eye

When one Reddit user was only five years old, their mother fell ill and had to be hospitalized. At the time, the user thought it was cool that their mother got to do arts and crafts at the hospital. It was only when they grew older that they discovered their mother had been staying at a mental health facility. This experience taught the user that seeking help and therapy is nothing to be ashamed of.

2. Jail or Prison? Not Everyone’s Been There

Another user shared their surprise when they realized that not everyone has been to jail or prison. Growing up, they thought it was a normal part of life. However, upon moving to the suburbs and meeting people who had no knowledge of such experiences, they realized their perspective was skewed.

3. Nightmares and Break-ins: A Lesson in Courage

As a child, one user had recurring nightmares about a shadowy figure entering their parents’ room. To feel safe, they would hide under a fort made of bedsheets. It wasn’t until later that they learned their childhood nightmare had actually been a real-life break-in. Their brave and pregnant mother had scared the intruder away with a metal pipe. This realization made them appreciate their mother’s courage even more.

4. Mysterious Pizza Coupons: The Value of Honesty

When they were nine years old, one Reddit user’s father claimed to have won free pizza coupons. However, they later learned that their father had obtained the coupons through dishonest means. This experience taught them about the importance of honesty and integrity.

5. Witnessing an Arrest: An Unforgettable Moment

One user recalled a time when they were riding with their grandmother and got pulled over by the police. It turned out their grandmother had a warrant for writing a bad check. At the time, they found it hilarious, but looking back, they couldn’t believe they witnessed their grandma’s arrest.

6. Learning to Let Go: Perspective Shift

For one Reddit user, breaking a cup or spilling a drink used to be a big deal in their childhood. However, their perspective shifted as they saw their girlfriend looking at them like they were crazy for excessively apologizing. They realized that some accidents are just not a big deal.

7. The Struggles of a Parent: Strength and Sacrifice

A user shared their experience of their father getting laid off from a job, resulting in their family struggling for about a year. Despite their own challenges, their father went above and beyond to take care of the family. He would wake up early every morning to make breakfast and do side jobs to make ends meet. This experience taught the user about the strength and sacrifice of parents.

8. Disappointing Discoveries: A Parent’s Cheating

As a child, one Reddit user often witnessed their father kissing other women. They thought it was a normal greeting at the time. However, a few years later, they discovered their father had actually been cheating on their mother. This revelation left them immensely disappointed.

9. Insensitive Remarks: Learning Empathy

Another user recalled making an insensitive comment to their grandmother about her miscarriage. At the time, they didn’t understand the gravity of their words, but looking back, they realized how hurtful it was. This experience taught them to be more empathetic and thoughtful with their words.

10. Deception and Betrayal: Discovering the Truth

One user shared a childhood memory of expressing concern to their mother about their father’s unhappiness through a note. Years later, they discovered the truth about their mother openly cheating on their dad with her now-husband. This revelation shed light on their mother’s actions and the circumstances surrounding their younger half-brother’s conception.

11. A Terrifying Encounter: Unaware of Danger

A user recalled a frightening incident when their father was physically attacked by two men who accused him of theft. At the time, the user was just a few feet away, unaware of the potential danger. As they grew older, they realized the possible outcomes of that encounter.

12. Surviving a Natural Disaster: Innocence Amid Chaos

During a family vacation, one Reddit user and their mother narrowly escaped the devastating 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami. In the chaos, the user vividly remembers dropping their drawing as they rushed to safety. In hindsight, they realized how a seemingly trivial concern during a life-threatening event reflected the innocence of childhood.

13. Unveiling the Truth: Teacher’s Burnout

In fifth grade, a user’s English teacher shared her burnout from working long hours without any relief in sight. It wasn’t until years later, when the teacher abruptly quit, that the user realized she had been on the brink of a nervous breakdown for years.

14. Innocence Lost: Avoiding Danger Unknowingly

A user shared a haunting memory of encountering a girl at a park when they were young. They played together for an hour before leaving her alone. Later, they learned about a girl who had been abducted. This made them reflect on the potential dangers they unknowingly avoided.

15. Manipulation and Betrayal: A Mother’s Deceit

A user revealed the shocking truth about their mother’s past affair and manipulation. Their mother maintained a facade of having a child with another man from Spain, even though it wasn’t true. She guilted the user into sending money for years, leading them to believe the child was theirs. This revelation showed the user the extent of their mother’s deceit and the role their stepfather played in the situation.

These stories highlight the resilience and innocence of children, while also shedding light on the harsh realities of the world. They serve as a reminder to appreciate the strength and courage exhibited by children as they navigate through such experiences.