A heartbreaking incident has rocked the small rural community of Allens Rivulet, leaving its residents in shock. In a tragic turn of events, a Rottweiler named Ruben mauled one of his owners to death and severely injured the other. This incident has shed light on several issues, including the fact that Ruben was unregistered.

Ruben the Rottweiler

The attack happened suddenly, leaving the victims in a life-threatening situation. A concerned neighbor quickly called emergency services, but sadly, Mr. Backhouse did not survive his critical injuries. Fortunately, Mrs. Anderson, although suffering severe leg injuries, managed to survive the attack.

In a shocking revelation, it was discovered that Ruben and the couple’s two other dogs, Tori and Evie, were all unregistered. This raises serious concerns about the regulation and oversight of pet ownership in the area.

As a result of the incident, Ruben was euthanized, and Tori and Evie were seized by the council for further investigation. Authorities are now assessing whether these dogs pose a danger to the community.

Before this tragedy occurred, Mrs. Anderson had expressed her thoughts on social media, questioning the tendency to blame specific dog breeds for attacks. She posed a poignant question: “When will they blame the humans?” This suggests that she believed responsible ownership was crucial.

The couple’s passion for dogs was evident in their active involvement in dog shows. Mr. Anderson had been exhibiting purebred dogs, including Rottweilers, for over a decade. Ruben himself had achieved recognition and praise in a Rottweiler show just a few months prior.

Ironically, Mr. Backhouse had previously put himself in harm’s way to protect Ruben from another dog attack. He had intervened during an incident involving a Pitbull and sustained serious injuries in the process. His love and dedication to his dogs knew no bounds.

Ruben’s euthanization took place on the couple’s property, carried out by an animal management officer from the Kingborough Council. As the investigation continues, the community has come together to support Mrs. Anderson and care for the couple’s remaining dogs.

Addressing the media, Tasmanian Police Inspector Colin Riley described this tragedy as a heartbreaking turn of events for a family that deeply loved their pet. Authorities are preparing a report for the coroner to gain further insight into the circumstances surrounding the attack.

This incident has sparked discussions about the need for stricter regulations and responsible pet ownership. The fact that Ruben and the other dogs were unregistered highlights the importance of proper oversight. It is essential to address issues related to dangerous dogs and their owners to prevent such heart-wrenching incidents from happening again.

During this time of mourning and recovery, the community hopes that positive changes will emerge in dog ownership regulations, ensuring a safer environment for both owners and pets.