College Graduate Broke Down In Tears As She Revealed Her Struggle With Her New 9 To 5 “Crazy” Work Schedule

A recent college graduate from New Jersey, Brielle, recently shared her emotional journey of adjusting to a conventional nine-to-five work schedule in her first professional role. In a heartfelt video that went viral, Brielle opened up about the challenges of maintaining a work-life balance and taking care of her well-being while managing a demanding job.

Brielle’s video struck a chord with viewers, especially those working in the marketing field. Many expressed their support and shared their own experiences of struggling with the traditional 9-5 work structure. Some even called for a transition to a four-day workweek, highlighting the universal need for better work-life balance.

Brielle’s path to her current position was not easy. After months of job hunting and sending out countless applications, she moved to New Jersey to accommodate her New York-based job due to the high rent prices in the city. However, the long daily commute and exhausting work hours took a toll on her well-being.

With teary eyes, Brielle described her grueling routine, emphasizing the extensive time it took to commute and the limited time she had for her personal life. On some days, she wouldn’t make it home until late in the evening, leaving her with little energy for self-care activities or cooking meals. She expressed her frustration at not being able to prioritize exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Brielle believed that having the option to work from home would greatly improve her work-life balance. She acknowledged that her situation could be worse, but she couldn’t help feeling exhausted and drained after long workdays. Brielle’s followers resonated with her struggles, sharing their own stories of battling the work-life juggle.

While some viewers lacked empathy and dismissed Brielle’s concerns, suggesting that she should simply accept the demands of adulthood, others recognized the need for a change in the traditional work structure. Calls for a shorter workweek and a shift in mindset towards work-life balance were common among the supportive comments.

In a subsequent video, Brielle expressed her gratitude for her job and acknowledged that her schedule would become even more challenging with added responsibilities like raising children or caring for pets. She extended her empathy to working parents, understanding the mental and emotional toll their schedules can have.


im also getting sick leave me alone im emotional ok i feel 12 and im scared of not having time to live

♬ original sound – BRIELLE♉️

Brielle concluded by advocating for a change in the current nine-to-five work structure in America. She believed that the current system disproportionately benefits corporations, the extremely wealthy, and influencers who aren’t bound by conventional schedules. Her plea resonates with many who yearn for a more balanced work-life paradigm in our ever-evolving world.