During a standup comedy performance in Massachusetts, comedian Pete Holmes had an encounter with former first daughter Malia Obama that he now regrets. While on stage, Holmes noticed two people whispering and disrespecting him. To his surprise, one of them turned out to be Malia Obama herself.

Holmes recently spoke about the incident on the show “Conan,” where he explained what happened at the Comedy Studio in Somerville, Massachusetts. He described the situation as a “Black Mirror nightmare” for a comedian. According to Holmes, the two women in the front row were not only whispering but also laughing at the performers in a negative way.

Unaware of Malia’s identity at the time, Holmes confronted her and her friend, asking them to stop. However, they ignored his request and continued their conversation. Frustrated, Holmes decided to use stronger language to get their attention. He admitted to telling them to “shut the f*** up.”

Little did he know, Malia Obama was the person he had just reprimanded. Had he known, he might have been more cautious due to the presence of Secret Service guards who were likely protecting her. Holmes realized he had taken the situation too far and attempted to make it into a harmless prank by covering the two women with a curtain, expecting the audience to laugh.

However, his prank didn’t go as planned. Instead of finding humor in the situation, the audience turned against him. It was only after his performance that Holmes discovered he had just prank-ed the eldest daughter of former President Barack Obama.

Reflecting on the incident, Holmes expressed regret about his actions and acknowledged that Malia looked great. Despite the mishap, he admitted that the comedy audience was not as receptive as he had hoped.

In conclusion, this incident serves as a lesson for Holmes and others in the entertainment industry to be mindful of their audience and avoid crossing boundaries, even in the face of disruptions.