A billboard in Huntington, Calvert County, Maryland has been causing quite a stir lately. Located prominently along a busy road, it depicts cartoon caricatures of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris surrounded by cartoon feces. The accompanying message reads, “DON’T BLAME TRUMP! YOU ARE STUCK WITH THESE TWO (expletive) HEADS!!!”

While some individuals who oppose President Biden have praised the billboard, many residents of Maryland, especially those with young children, find it highly offensive. Jeanette Flaim, chair of the Calvert County Democratic Central Committee, has been particularly vocal in her opposition and is actively working towards having the billboard removed.

Flaim expressed her concerns, stating, “It’s just vulgar. Children see it every day on their way to school, and parents shouldn’t have to explain that kind of language to them.”

Removing the billboard, however, may prove to be a challenging task due to legal constraints. The 2015 Reed v. Town of Gilbert Supreme Court Decision makes it difficult for county commissioners to take down offensive messages, as they are considered a form of free speech.

Buddy Hance, president of the Board of County Commissioners, acknowledged this challenge, saying, “As a county government, there’s little we can do about the language on a legal sign. Free speech is a fundamental right, and we have to respect that, whether we agree with the message or not.”

Despite the legal obstacles, Flaim remains determined to have the billboard removed. She understands that there is a pro-Trump sentiment in the area but believes that the explicit imagery and offensive language are inappropriate for public display, especially in a location where children can easily see it. Flaim hopes that through applying pressure on the individuals responsible for the billboard, they will reconsider their message and replace it with something less controversial.

“It’s not about complaining about other signs,” Flaim emphasized. “It’s specifically this sign that we believe is damaging to our community. It affects Republicans, Independents, and everyone.”

The person responsible for the anti-Biden billboard has not responded to requests for comment. It is unclear whether they are avoiding the public eye or letting the sign speak for itself.

In conclusion, the controversial billboard in Maryland has sparked a fierce debate among residents. While some argue in favor of free speech and expression, many find the content offensive and unsuitable for public display. What are your thoughts on this contentious billboard? Should it be allowed to remain standing?