After struggling for six long years, a woman finally received the incredible news that she was pregnant. Full of excitement, she couldn’t wait to share the joy with her boyfriend on his 30th birthday. However, his unexpected reaction left her speechless. Let’s delve into her story and see how it unfolded.

The woman had been dating her boyfriend for a decade, and they both had dreams of starting a family together. When she shared her story on Reddit, people from all over the internet came together to support her. They voiced their suspicions in the comments, and the woman later updated everyone on what happened next.

On the morning of her boyfriend’s birthday, the woman managed to squeeze in a doctor’s appointment amidst her busy work schedule and feeling unwell for a couple of days. As she waited in the clinic, thoughts of her boyfriend’s birthday party filled her mind. The doctor checked her vitals and asked a few questions before revealing the incredible news – she was pregnant!

Overwhelmed with joy, the woman thought it would be the perfect gift for her boyfriend. So, she decided to keep it a secret until she got home. When she arrived, she saw her boyfriend chatting with a friend in the corner of the room. Eager to share the news, she asked him for a moment alone, but he brushed her off, asking her to wait. Unable to contain her excitement, she couldn’t help but announce her pregnancy to everyone in the room.

To her astonishment, her boyfriend became furious and started berating her, claiming that she was trying to ruin his special day. He kicked out the guests and canceled the party. Utterly confused by his reaction, the woman couldn’t understand how he couldn’t share in her joy. As he stormed out and didn’t return, she turned to Reddit for support and advice.

When she discussed the incident with her mother, she was told that she should have waited to share the news after his birthday. However, after reading her post, Redditors warned her that his reaction was a major red flag and advised her to consider leaving him. A month later, the woman provided an update, revealing that her boyfriend eventually returned home after ten days.

During their conversation, she discovered that he had been planning to end their relationship for quite some time. Shockingly, he had developed an interest in another woman and wanted to break up. To her disbelief, he even offered to pay any amount if she agreed to have an abortion. Determined to keep her baby, she declined his offer.

In response, he gave her a mere two weeks to pack her belongings and find a new place to live. Thankfully, a co-worker in another state was looking for a roommate, so the woman found a safe haven. As Redditors flooded the comment section with questions, one inquired about child support. The woman explained that her boyfriend intended to sign away his parental rights, but he failed to realize that he would still be legally obligated to pay child support once she filed the necessary paperwork.

She also revealed that her boyfriend refused to get married, claiming that marriage was unnecessary to prove love. Additionally, he had prevented her from attending college because it was a few hours away from their home. Through this experience, the woman realized the importance of standing up for herself instead of allowing others to walk all over her. Unfortunately, this newfound strength wasn’t well-received by some people in her life, who claimed she had changed.

Most Redditors sympathized with the woman, placing the blame on her boyfriend. They believed that he never truly wanted to have a child with her and had been living a lie. It’s a heartbreaking story that sheds light on the importance of communication, trust, and the strength to stand up for oneself.