Dad of miracle IVF twins drowned in bath by mum is given 'new purpose' in life

Steven Ford, the father of twin toddlers Jake and Chloe, who were tragically drowned by their own mother, has found new hope and purpose in life with the birth of his third child.

In a heartbreaking incident on Boxing Day in 2018, Steven’s ex-wife Samantha Ford drowned their 23-month-old twins in the bath at their home in Margate. Samantha, who was suffering from severe depression, was sentenced to 10 years in jail after confessing to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.

Steven Ford’s twin toddlers, Jake and Chloe, were just 23 months old when they were drowned by their mum

After a long and painful journey, Steven was finally able to grieve in peace when a coroner ruled that his children had been unlawfully killed. Now, he has taken to Twitter to share the joy of becoming a father again.

Posting an adorable picture of his newborn son, Steven expressed his love and devotion, stating, “My 3rd baby, my 2nd son, my only child. You’ve given me purpose in life once more, I’ll help you do great things with yours. I love you son x.”

Samantha Ford held her children underwater in the bath before tucking them into bed

Steven’s new addition brings a ray of sunshine to his life, lifting his spirits and giving him renewed meaning. It’s a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of love to heal even the deepest wounds.

But let’s take a step back and remember the precious lives that were lost. Born in January 2017, Jake and Chloe were the result of Steven and Samantha’s journey with IVF. The family had moved to Qatar for work and returned to the UK in February 2018. Unfortunately, their relationship took a turn for the worse, leading to divorce proceedings.

In an act of unimaginable revenge against her estranged husband, Samantha held their children underwater in the bath and then tucked them into bed. She later attempted suicide by crashing her car at high speed. When confronted by the police, she confessed to the horrific act, leaving a note at home that begged for forgiveness.

Little Chloe Ford, was was drowned by her mother who was suffering from 'acute stress'

Steven’s life was shattered in an instant. The pain and shock were overwhelming, and he still carries the guilt of not knowing what was happening when he dropped off his children at Samantha’s house that fateful day.

This heart-wrenching story serves as a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there can be a glimmer of hope. Steven’s journey to finding purpose again showcases the strength of the human spirit and the resilience of the human heart. It’s a testament to the power of love and the healing it can bring.

Jake and Chloe Ford, who were drowned on Boxing day back in 2018

“My two beautiful babies were healthy, bright, and loving children. They had their whole lives ahead of them,” Steven shared in a statement following the inquest. “The last two years have been excruciating. I miss them every day, and their loss is something I will never fully recover from.”

Steven’s journey is a reminder to cherish the moments we have with our loved ones and to hold them close. It’s a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of love to guide us through even the darkest times.