Dating in the digital age can be an exhausting endeavor, especially with the overwhelming number of potential matches on dating apps. But what if you had a guiding light, someone like the charismatic Jennifer Lopez, to help you navigate the process? In a recent episode of Tinder’s “Swipe Sessions” series, Lopez offered her wisdom and guidance to a 29-year-old country singer named Brooke, as they delved into the world of online dating.

Brooke had a specific type of partner in mind – someone who could “chop wood.” As they swiped through numerous profiles, Lopez provided valuable dating advice that resonated with many. She boldly asserted that men, until the age of 33, are often “useless.” And you know what? She’s not entirely wrong.

According to relationship expert Jane Greer, there is some truth to Lopez’s statement, particularly when it comes to seeking commitment. It often takes men until their early 30s to establish their professional careers and financial stability. This sense of security and maturity acquired through experience and accomplishment can lead to a deeper readiness for commitment, thus making them more suitable partners.

However, this doesn’t mean that men in their 20s should automatically be ruled out as potential matches. Every individual’s journey is unique, and some men may find themselves ready for commitment at an earlier age. It’s crucial to remember that age alone does not determine one’s readiness for a serious relationship. Factors such as personal growth and individual experiences also play a significant role.

Jennifer Lopez’s advice serves as a reminder to know your worth and have standards that align with it. It’s essential to recognize your own needs and desires when choosing a partner. By taking a moment to reflect on what Jennifer Lopez would do, you can gain valuable insights into finding love in the digital age.

So, the next time you find yourself scrolling through potential matches on a dating app, consider asking yourself: “What would Jennifer Lopez do?” Embrace her boldness, her confidence, and her wisdom, and let it guide you in your search for love.