When I was 16, my dad left my mom and me for a younger woman. It was devastating. Not only did he abandon us, but he also left us in a terrible financial situation. We ended up homeless, struggling to survive while he moved on without a care in the world. I was determined to get revenge someday, even if he never saw the success I would become.

Years went by, and I found myself in a successful career. One ordinary day, I walked into work and there he was, my dad, looking downtrodden and aged beyond his years. Karma had caught up with him. He was homeless and desperate, his appearance a reflection of the mistakes he had made.

I stood frozen, a mix of anger, pity, and shock washing over me. He hadn’t noticed me yet, but the years had not been kind to him. The man who had once been confident and selfish was now burdened with regret and hardship.

Summoning the courage, I approached him and said, “Dad?” My voice trembled with a whirlwind of emotions.

He looked up, squinting as if trying to place my face. When he recognized me, a flicker of shame crossed his features. “Samantha?” he croaked, barely a whisper.

“Yes, it’s me,” I replied, struggling to keep my composure. “What happened to you?”

He let out a deep sigh, shoulders slumping in defeat. “Life happened, Sam. I made terrible choices, and now I’m facing the consequences.”

My anger flared up. “You mean like leaving your family with nothing? Abandoning us for a woman half your age?”

His face contorted in pain, and he looked down at the ground. “I know I hurt you and your mother. I’ve regretted it every single day since.”

But regret wasn’t enough. “Regret doesn’t change what you did,” I snapped. “We struggled. We were homeless because of you. Do you know what that was like?”

Tears welled up in his eyes, and for a brief moment, I saw a glimpse of the father I once knew. “I’m so sorry, Sam. I was selfish and foolish. I thought I was chasing happiness, but I lost everything that truly mattered.”

Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm the storm of emotions inside me. “I worked hard, Dad. I built a successful life for myself. I promised myself that I would make you regret what you did.”

He looked at me with a mix of pride and sorrow. “I’m proud of you. You deserve all the success in the world.”

I stared at him, wondering if he truly understood the impact of his actions. “Do you have anywhere to go?” I finally asked, my voice softening.

He shook his head. “No. I’ve been on the streets for a while now.”

Despite everything, I felt a pang of sympathy. No one deserved to be in his situation, not even him. “Come with me,” I said. “I can help you find a shelter, at least.”

Surprised, yet grateful, he replied, “Thank you, Sam.”

As we walked, I contemplated the twists and turns of life. Seeing my father in such dire straits was a stark reminder of how easily everything could fall apart. But it also reminded me of my own strength and resilience. I had built a life for myself from the ashes of his betrayal, and now I had the power to help him, even if he didn’t deserve it.

Karma had already taught him a harsh lesson. Now, it was my turn to decide how to move forward. Helping him find shelter was just the first step. Forgiveness would come later, if it ever came at all. But for now, I would do what I could to ensure he wouldn’t be alone on the streets. It was a start.