If you think getting lost in a crowded supermarket is bad, wait until you hear this: a hiker was found ‘alive, but not well’ after an entire month of being lost in Washington’s North Cascades National Park. Talk about taking ‘disconnecting from the grid’ to a whole new level!

A Tale of Survival

Meet Robert Schock, a guy who took a simple walk in the park and turned it into a headline-worthy ordeal. On July 31, Schock was last seen frolicking in nature’s beauty without an inkling of what was about to unfold. Fast forward to an entire month later, he was discovered in what can only be described as a ‘barely alive’ state.

The saga began when park staff stumbled upon an abandoned vehicle at a trailhead. To make matters worse, they found Schock’s dog, alone and probably questioning his owner’s life choices, miles away.

According to hikers who saw Schock, he apparently decided packing overnight supplies was overrated. All the while, his poor doggie, Freddy, was left to play Lassie and indirectly alert the authorities. Oh, did I mention Schock’s wallet was charmingly displayed on his car dashboard? You can imagine the goosebumps on the deputies when they arrived.

Search Parties and Shattered Hopes

Enter helicopters, search parties, and a lot of hope, all of which came up empty. Day after day, Schock was nowhere to be found. It’s almost like he was playing the world’s most intense game of hide-and-seek.

Finally, on what must have felt like the last episode of a survival reality show, the stars aligned. On August 30, rangers discovered our resilient hiker waving his metaphorical white flag. He was found in the Chilliwack Basin, alive – although barely.

The Emotional Rollercoaster of a Mother

Schock’s mother, Jan Thompson, revealed the emotional torture she experienced. She learnt about Freddy first and officially reported Schock missing. As days turned into weeks, we can only imagine the anxiety.

Thompson shared insights about the painstaking search and how a trail crew from the Pacific Northwest Trail Association finally heard Schock’s desperate cries for help. They quickly called in a helicopter to airlift him out of there.

Near-Brush with Tragedy

‘Alive, but not well’ is how Jeff Kish, PNTA’s director, chose to describe the scene in his social media post. And boy, he wasn’t exaggerating. According to Kish, if their crew hadn’t found Schock when they did, he might’ve had just another day left – tops!

If you’re wondering about Schock’s physical state without pleading nausea, let’s just say he was immobile for approximately two weeks. Mmmm, lovely.

Happy (and Hilarious) Ending

Thompson, celebrating the miracle recovery, can finally breathe a sigh of relief. For now, she’ll let Schock recover before flapping her wings and flying to see him.

So, next time you plan to ‘go for a hike’, maybe remember to pack some essentials – or at least tell someone where you’re going. Freddy the dog certainly has a tale to tell – if only he could talk!