Meet Chris, a 29-year-old musician and content producer from Henderson, Nevada. While he initially aspired to be a well-known YouTuber, he discovered that his true success lies in something much closer to his heart – his grandmother, whom he affectionately calls “Lola”.

Chris and his family originally hail from Tarlac, a province in the Philippines, and they later moved to the United States, bringing Lola with them. A former elementary school teacher, Lola had dedicated over two decades of her life to education.

In 2015, when Lola was 88 years old, the family faced a difficult decision. They had to choose between hiring a full-time caregiver for Lola or bringing her to a home for the aged. Chris knew he couldn’t bear to see his Lola with someone she didn’t know, so he made a life-changing decision.

He became Lola’s full-time caretaker, devoting all his time to her well-being. Despite the challenges that come with care-taking, Chris doesn’t mind. For him, his Lola is worth every minute.

Chris captures their daily adventures in heartwarming TikTok videos, where they speak in the “Kapampangan” dialect. Viewers quickly noticed their incredible connection and marveled at Lola’s soft-spoken and sweet nature.

In their vlogs, Chris shows the ins and outs of his caregiving routine. From preparing Grandma’s bed and making her comfortable, to explaining the outside world and even changing her nappies, Chris goes the extra mile to ensure his Lola’s happiness.

While there are moments when Lola’s forgetfulness brings sadness to Chris, he reminds us all to treasure every moment we have with our loved ones. Every moment is precious, and we should treat them with love and care while we still can.

Chris’s devotion and love for his Lola serve as a heartwarming reminder of the importance of family and the incredible impact one person can have on another’s life. His story is an inspiration to us all to cherish and care for our loved ones, especially as they grow older.