Once upon a time, a struggling couple decided to seek the guidance of a marriage counselor. Despite the counselor’s plea to reconcile, the couple remained resolute in their decision to part ways. Sensing their determination, the counselor then brought up the issue of dividing their property equally.

This proposition didn’t sit well with the wife. She was outraged at the thought of having to give up half of her hard-earned savings, which amounted to $4,000. “You’re saying I have to give him $2,000 of my own money?” she exclaimed. The counselor confirmed her suspicions, stating that both parties would receive $2,000 each. The wife continued to dispute, pointing out that she had also paid for the furniture in their home.

To this, the counselor responded in the same manner, explaining that the husband would receive the bedroom and living room, whereas the wife would keep the dining room and kitchen. The wife, still unsatisfied, posed a new challenge to the counselor – what about their three children?

This question left the counselor momentarily stumped. He carefully considered the situation and came up with a clever solution. He suggested that the couple should live together again until their fourth child was born. At that point, they would divide the children equally, with each parent taking two.

However, the wife shook her head, rejecting this proposal. She did not have faith that depending on her husband would lead to a positive outcome. After all, if she had relied on him in the past, she wouldn’t have had the three children she cherished.

This humorous tale of divorce counseling highlights the complexities and challenges that can arise when a marriage starts to crumble. It reminds us that sometimes there are no easy solutions and that every situation is unique.