Relationships, my dear reader, are like a rollercoaster—full of ups, downs, and the occasional scream of terror. But here’s the kicker: why on earth is disrespecting our partners suddenly the butt of all jokes? This pondering thought was brought to us by none other than TikTok’s very own Neil Shyminsky, known as @professorneil.

Neil, the modern Socrates (or so he wishes), picked up a viral video of men on a golf course being asked, “What time did you tell your wife you’d be home?” Mind you, these men were comfortably enjoying their game around 7 p.m. despite having promised to be home by 5.

One could argue they simply ‘lost track of time.’ Happens to the best of us, right? But the plot thickens as Neil discovers this isn’t a one-off excuse. Every single one of these gentlemen had told their partners they’d be home much earlier. Emotional plot twist: it’s not a comedy, it’s a tragedy of errors.

To make it even juicier, there’s a top comment under this video that reads, “As long as he doesn’t care I actually spent $1,000 on Amazon when I told him it would only be $500, stay as long as you like, babe.” With over 4,500 likes, it leaves us all wondering: Do people genuinely like their spouses or are they just tolerably unhappy together?

This million-dollar question caught the internet on fire, raking in about 1.7 million views and more than 161,000 likes on TikTok. Let that sink in.

One comment that truly hits home reads, “And they’ll all be blindsided by a divorce that came out of nowhere.” Another realist chimed in, saying, “The ironic thing is in a loving relationship, I’m fine if he wants to stay longer doing something fun, as long as he COMMUNICATES it.” Mind you, folks, the phone is literally right there in your pocket! Just send a text!

Neil, never one to shy away from the truth, followed up with another video questioning why mutual lies and poor communication have become the norm. “Life is challenging enough without making easy things hard. Telling your partner when you’ll be home or how much money you’re spending online shouldn’t feel like climbing Everest,” he mused.

So, let’s spill the tea: life and relationships are not easy. But trust me, they don’t have to be as hard as rocket science either. The key? Communication. Choose to be honest, even if it feels scary. Tell them when you’ll be late or if you’ve splurged a bit more than planned. Your relationship is a partnership, not a battlefield to one-up each other.

Shifting gears a bit: when you decide to share your life with someone, it changes in numerous delicious yet complicated ways. One of the perks? You have a ride-or-die partner in your corner. Ah, the bliss! But guess what? You’ve got to earn that corner spot by being respectful and considerate.

In conclusion, if you find yourself laughing at these so-called jokes about disrespecting your partner, maybe take a step back and reflect. Communication isn’t just beneficial—it’s necessary for a loving, supportive relationship.

So, my final thought: Next time you think it’s funny to lie about what time you’ll be home from golfing or how much you splurged online, ask yourself, do I truly like the person I’m with? Because, trust me, mutual respect and clear communication are way more satisfying than any quick laugh or viral TikTok moment.


You know that you shouldn’t feel you HAVE to lie to each other… right? And you’re allowed to be in a relationship with someone you like being around? #relationships #marriage #tolerableunhappiness

♬ original sound – Professor Neil