A dermatologist has issued a warning about the potential risk of skin infections from kissing men with beards. TikTok dermatologist Muneeb Shah, also known as the Derm Doctor, addressed a woman’s concern after she developed irritated skin from kissing a man with facial hair.

In a video, the woman shared images of her chin covered in red spots and jokingly admitted that she thought it was a good idea at the time. However, Shah explained that the issue was more than a simple “beard rash.” Unclean beards can carry bacteria that can lead to an infection called impetigo.

Shah emphasized the importance of regularly cleaning beards to prevent the spread of bacteria. When facial hair rubs against the skin, it can create small cuts that act as entry points for infection. Impetigo is a highly contagious but usually not serious infection, according to the NHS.

The NHS advises seeking treatment for impetigo, which typically improves within 7 to 10 days with appropriate care. The infection begins with red sores or blisters that may be harder to notice in darker skin tones. Eventually, the sores burst, leaving crusty, golden-brown patches.

If you suspect you have impetigo, it is advisable to consult a GP who can prescribe an antibiotic cream to expedite recovery. In severe cases, antibiotic tablets may be necessary. Since Shah’s original video urging people to clean their beards went viral in 2022, it has sparked a debate about facial hair hygiene. TikTok users shared their experiences, with some men assuring that they religiously maintain their beard cleanliness.

The video garnered various responses, including surprise from individuals who did not initially consider the importance of beard hygiene. Some expressed a reduced appreciation for facial hair, while others emphasized the significance of basic hygiene practices. One person even revealed that they had mistakenly attributed a similar issue to friction.

It is essential for men with beards to prioritize regular beard cleaning to prevent potential skin infections. Maintaining a clean and hygienic beard can help mitigate the risk of impetigo and promote healthier skin. Remember, cleanliness is key!