Over the years, there have been many debates. Some of those debates have been life-changing and have even changed the course of history, but others just continue to be debated for our own personal feelings.

One debate that has been going on for many years is regarding the pattern on bedsheets. It seems as if people have different viewpoints on how bedsheets should be put on the bed, with some of them putting the pattern upside down and others putting it on top.

Expert Opinion on the Pattern

As far as the pattern on the bedsheet is concerned, according to Sullivan May, a professional from Southern Living, the pattern side of the sheet should face downward. Now, this might sound a little strange to you, but let’s understand why.

When the pattern is down on the top sheet, it will actually end up showing as you fold the top sheet over the duvet, quilt, or comforter. Instead of being hidden underneath the sheet, it will show for the world to see.

Getting Your Bedroom Looking Nice

If you’re looking to keep your bedroom looking as nice as possible, there are a couple of things to consider. Firstly, you should fold the top sheet an inch or two over the top of the quilt or duvet. Folding it multiple times tends to make it look more like a hotel bed rather than a cozy bed at home.

Additionally, using two pillows with matching pillowcases can enhance the overall appearance of your bed. The pillowcases can either match the sheets or the quilt/duvet, although it is best if they match both.

So, the next time you look at your bedroom, you can feel happier with the way it looks. You’re welcome!