Dog causes house fire after chewing portable battery

A recent incident has shed light on the potential dangers that pets can unknowingly bring into our homes. The Tulsa Fire Department has shared a chilling security video showing how a dog’s innocent curiosity resulted in a devastating house fire. Thankfully, the dog escaped unharmed, but the incident serves as a stark warning for pet owners everywhere.

It all happened on July 31st when the homeowner left their dog alone in a room. During this time, the curious canine stumbled upon a portable battery and began investigating it with great interest. Unfortunately, its exploration took a dangerous turn when it accidentally chewed through the battery’s casing, triggering a malfunction that quickly spiraled into a destructive blaze.

Upon returning home, the homeowner immediately noticed something amiss. Thick smoke billowed from the house, prompting them to dial 911 for assistance. The Tulsa Fire Department responded promptly, rushing to the scene to extinguish the flames that engulfed the living room. Although the fire was brought under control, the damage to the home was significant.

Dog chewing portable battery

The living room bore the brunt of the fire’s wrath, while other areas suffered from smoke and water damage caused by the firefighting efforts. Fortunately, the dog managed to escape through a doggy door, preventing any harm to themselves.

The Tulsa Fire Department took this opportunity to issue a cautionary message to all pet owners. They emphasized the importance of keeping hazardous items out of pets’ reach, such as batteries and cords. Lithium-ion batteries, commonly found in portable devices, store a substantial amount of energy. Should they malfunction, they can generate heat, flammable gases, and even lead to explosions.

Firefighters responding to the fire

Andy Little, the public information officer of the Tulsa Fire Department, explained that this incident could have ended differently if the pets had not been able to escape. It could have also been far more dangerous if a family had been sleeping upstairs, unaware of the unfolding disaster. Many individuals keep these batteries in their homes for convenience, often unaware of the potential risks they pose. Little stressed the importance of following manufacturer’s guidelines, using approved chargers, and storing batteries away from the reach of children and pets.

Dog safely outside

Pet owners are now urged to remain vigilant and take preventative measures to safeguard their homes. It is crucial to keep all hazardous items, especially batteries, securely stored away from curious pets. Additionally, close supervision of your furry companions can help avoid such dangerous situations.

Dog chewing portable battery

Little concluded, “Pets bring joy to our lives, but incidents like this remind us to be aware of the risks they can unintentionally pose. Let’s ensure our homes are safe for both our beloved pets and ourselves.”

Check out the video below to see the incident captured on camera: